All Horse Races Have Been Cancelled
According to a statement released by the British Horseracing Authority (BHA), racing events in the UK have been suspended until the start of May in a bid to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

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According to Sky Sports News, the BHA has taken this vital step in line with the government’s effort to limit social gatherings due to the corona virus outbreak across the country.
Nick Rust, Chief Executive Officer of BHA, outlined, “This is a national emergency the likes of which most of us have never seen before. We’re a sport that is proud of its connection to rural communities and to the local businesses that support our industry.”
Nick further insisted that the health and welfare of their fans, participants, and organizers are their top priority. Corona Outbreak threatens the whole country and not the BHA only.
Rust further adds: “Racing is a family, and I know we will pull together over the coming days, weeks and months and support each other. By stopping racing, we can free up medical resources, doctors and ambulances, be they private sector or NHS, to assist in the national effort to fight this virus. And we can support racing industry participants and staff as they face up to the personal challenges ahead and care for their own families.”
Resumption Plan
The BHA, through Nick Rust, the CEO, has promised that the sector will not succumb to the covid-19 pandemic, which has stalled various industries in the UK.
In a statement issued two days after BHA suspended all competitions, the heads of BHA, National Trainers Federation (NTF), and Race Owners Association (ROA) and Racecourse Association (RCA) released a full plan on a swift resumption of horse racing as soon as Corona is defeated.
Nick Rust, the BHA Chief Executive who chairs the Industry Group, said, “The effort from across the sport at the moment is incredible. There is a determination that racing will not be beaten by this shutdown. The willingness to help is universal. We will do all we can to keep people informed as we progress.”
According to the new plan, the sector has been divided into four sections for easy management. These sections include people in finance, medical, and equine sectors. The industry’s main objective is to return to normalcy as possible.
The Chief Executive of Racing Welfare, Dawn Goodfellow, added: “We are acutely aware that the current situation will be resulting in immediate hardship for many people from a whole range of different roles across the industry. We are working hard to ensure that any available funds that the industry can provide are disbursed quickly, fairly, and transparently to those in most need.”
Rob Hezel, the Chief Executive of the Racing Foundation, “We are working with senior racing executives to work out how best to use our resources to support the developing plan.
“We are also liaising with other funding bodies to increase the levels of support that can be made available.”